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JBA leadership hears Airmen’s feedback

Master Sgt. Robert Bedwell, Air National Guard Bureau Command Post training and standardization manager, and his son, Connor, place an order with Shavown Brown, movie theater attendant, at the base movie theater concession area at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Dec. 16, 2016. During the fall of 2016, the theater was renovated with a concession area, audio and visual equipment, bathroom tiling and a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Joe Yanik)

Master Sgt. Robert Bedwell, Air National Guard Bureau Command Post training and standardization manager, and his son, Connor, place an order with Shavown Brown, movie theater attendant, at the base movie theater concession area at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Dec. 16, 2016. During the fall of 2016, the theater was renovated with a concession area, audio and visual equipment, bathroom tiling and a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Joe Yanik)

Newly-installed shower lockers line the wall of the west fitness center at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Dec. 16, 2016 Additional improvements made during 2016 at the base fitness center include locker room saunas, water refilling stations and a renovated heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff. Sgt. Joe Yanik)

Newly-installed shower lockers line the wall of the west fitness center at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Dec. 16, 2016 Additional improvements made during 2016 at the base fitness center include locker room saunas, water refilling stations and a renovated heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff. Sgt. Joe Yanik)

A newly-constructed batting cage is positioned between the basketball court and baseball diamond at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The recreational equipment is operational year round. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff. Sgt. Joe Yanik)

A newly-constructed batting cage is positioned between the basketball court and baseball diamond at Joint Base Andrews, Md. The recreational equipment is operational year round. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff. Sgt. Joe Yanik)

JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Md. -- Various infrastructure renovations, facility repairs and equipment upgrades have taken place here in the past couple of years as a means to improve quality of life on base.

"Some improvement project ideas, oftentimes addressing a need for safe and efficient operations, originate at the group and squadron level,” said Master Sgt. Marcus Washington, 11th Comptroller Squadron first sergeant. “Other improvement ideas come from suggestions submitted to leadership by the JBA community."

There are two channels through which Team Andrews members can submit their suggestions for improving the living and working conditions at JBA: the ‘Dragon’s Lair’ and the Quality of Life Communication feedback tool (QOLCOMM).

The Dragon’s Lair allows Airmen to submit ideas and suggestions directly to Col. E. John Teichert, 11th Wing and JBA commander. This feedback tool can be accessed via the Sharepoint or base's weekly emailer on a government network-connected computer.

Any member of Team Andrews can submit suggestions through QOLCOMM by visiting the site http://www.jba.af.mil/About-Us/QOLCOMM. QOLCOMM has initiated and resulted in 30 improvement projects since the online tool was launched in late 2015.

“Either option is a great way to get your suggestion in front of leadership for consideration,’ said Col. William Kale, 11th Mission Support Group commander.

The base theater, golf course, library, shoppette, airfield, medical center, Airmen dorms, fitness and child development centers are just some areas on base where an improvement project has taken place in the past couple of years.

“When it comes to improving the quality of life on base, our emphasis is on mission requirements,” said Kale. “We do not have a lot of new construction funding, so we must extend the useful life of our infrastructure and facilities by prioritizing and then selectively renovating our most critical needs.”

Future projects include maternity parking spaces at the commissary, a mini golf and disc golf course, an upgrade to the infield at the Virginia Track and a re-surfacing of the Youth Center and Imagine Andrews Path.

“We continue to need the base community’s help identifying items that may need attention,” said Kale. “With all the items we have accomplished over the past year, hopefully our Airmen see that their input matters and they can make a difference.”
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