JBA Environmental

Supporting the Joint Base Andrews mission through Sound Environmental Stewardship

The U.S. Air Force Environmental team is recognized as world leaders, with environmental stewardship woven into the heart of the Air Force mission. The Environmental Flight's mission is to support the Joint Base Andrews mission through sound environmental stewardship.


Environmental Policy

316 Wing and mission partners promise to provide environmental leadership and guidance across the installation to empower America’s Airfield to reduce risks to human health, and the environment, while fostering effective environmental stewardship of the sensitive ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

JBA's Environmental Commitment Statement

Environmental Management System Compliance Memo

The Four Pillars

The four pillars of the Air Force environmental mission are quality, conservation and planning, pollution prevention, and restoration.

The Environmental Flight works with all elements of the base, regulatory agencies and the community to ensure the job gets done in a sustainable manner. By working cooperatively, the Andrews team will continue to comply with environmental laws, preserve the natural environment, and accomplish its Global Airlift mission.

The hard working dedication of the Andrews Environmental Team was recognized with the 2004 Environmental Flight of the Year Award in Air Mobility Command.

The Environmental Quality section ensures that Joint Base Andrews  complies with applicable environmental laws, regulations and guidelines. In addition, the section is responsible for directing efforts to eliminate or reduce pollution.

Through coordination, management and regular assessments, such as the Environmental Compliance Assessment and Management Program, the Environmental Quality section strives to minimize mission impacts on the environment. Support from the Unit Environmental Coordinators, ensures base wide participation.

The Environmental Quality Pillar consists of the Air Quality Management Program, Water/Wastewater Program, and Toxics/Asbestos Program. To learn more about each program click here.

Joint Base Andrews conserves natural and cultural resources through effective environmental planning. The environmental consequences of proposed actions and reasonable alternatives are integrated into all levels of decision making. The environmental resources under Joint Base Andrews stewardship are protected and managed in the public interest.

The Conservation Pillar of Environmental Management consists of the Environmental Impact and Analysis Process , Cultural Resources Management Program and Natural Resources Management Program. Each program has a unique purpose in support of Joint Base Andrews. To learn more about each process and program click here.

The Air Force Pollution Prevention Program was implemented as part of the Air Force's commitment to forward-thinking environmental leadership. It involves efforts at all levels of the Air Force to reduce wastes through a hierarchy of actions established by Pollution Prevention Act of 1990.

The Pollution Prevention Pillar of Environmental Management consists of Recycling and the Haz Mat Management Program. Each program has a unique purpose in support of Joint Base Andrews. To learn more about each process and program click here.

Joint Base Andrews Environmental Restoration Program

Historical methods of hazardous waste disposal at Air Force sites across the country have created a legacy of environmental impacts. The Environmental Restoration Program was established to identify, assess, investigate, and clean up existing contamination on the base. The process is based on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, as well as the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan.

Joint Base Andrews was listed on the National Priorities List in 1999, which spurred on major changes in the manner in which Andrews pursues environmental restoration. Andrews is pursuing a comprehensive approach to restoring affected areas and ensuring beneficial reuse of natural resources. The Andrews Restoration team works closely with its regulatory partners, consisting of the US EPA, Maryland Department of Environment, and the Prince George's County Health Department, to achieve its goals. Scientists and engineers are using innovative and cost-effective strategies to remediate contamination from petroleum and a variety of hazardous substances.

For more information on ERP, click here.

To access the Air Force Administrative Record: AF Administrative Record

JBA Davidsonville RAB Community Interest Assessment_English
JBA Davidsonville Consejo Asesor de Restauración Evaluación de Interés Comunitario
JBA and Brandywine RAB Community Interest Assessment_English
JBA and Brandywine Consejo Asesor de Restauración Evaluación de Interés Comunitario


Community Engagement
For environmental issues, please email 316wg.pa.communityengagement@us.af.mil

Phone: 240-612-4428

Joint Base Andrews Recycling Center
3350 Celmers Lane, Joint Base Andrews, MD 20762

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Phone: 301-981-0644

To report environmental violations or concerns, use this form.