(America’s Airman is a weekly article highlighting a member of the JBA community)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Why do you serve?
To help the country, travel the world, and get an education.
How does your job impact the wing’s mission?
My job impacts the wing by supporting distinguished visitor movements, providing 24-hour immediate-response for multiple national operation plans, and maintaining combat mission ready status.
What's been your favorite assignment/TDY and why?
My favorite assignment was being an aerial gunner instructor at the 551st Special Operations Squadron school house at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. It was rewarding to take a brand new student and train them to become combat mission ready and then watch them deploy and be a part of the mission.
What is you dream assignment and why?
My dream assignment would be to commission and become a helicopter pilot.
What's the coolest thing you've done in the military?
The coolest thing I’ve done in the Air Force was test different weapon systems like the GBU-39 B/B- Laser Small Diameter Bomb, the 105 mm howitzer, and the AGM-176 Griffin.