What's your full name, job title and unit?
Nicole Megan Swift, Aerospace Medical Technician, 11 MDOS (Allergy & Immunization Clinic)
What's your hometown city and state (and country, if not U.S.)?
Junction City, Kansas
Why did you decide to serve in the military?
Growing up both my parents served in the United States Army. Seeing their work ethic and drive that developed through their military experience made me want to emulate them and follow in their footsteps. My parents gave me a great foundation of values, and I wanted to expand them into a workforce that is bigger than myself, the United States Air Force! Being from a small town, I also wanted the opportunity to travel and see the world.
How do you think your job impacts the wing’s mission?
As an Allergy and Immunization technician, our job is to vaccinate our total force to ensure they are protected against preventable diseases so they can execute the mission effectively. Having a direct impact on our readiness has allowed me to see the bigger picture so we stay one step ahead of our adversaries.
What's been your favorite assignment/TDY and why?
I recently attended an AEPS training at Camp Bullis. It was unique since it had a combination of enlisted and commissioned members in attendance. Therefore, I had the pleasure of networking with individuals stationed all over the world with a wide range of experience and leadership.
What is your dream assignment and why?
My dream assignment would be Germany. I was born in Germany and never had the opportunity to experience everything Germany has to offer as a child. I remember listing Germany several times on my dream sheet in basic training. It would be great to go back as an adult.
What's the coolest thing you’ve done in the military?
The coolest thing I have done in the military was attend an all call with Chief Wright. He mentioned having only one life to live. If you live it right, you won’t have to live with regret or wishing you would have done something differently. Those words stuck with me.
What hobbies do you have/what do you do in your spare time?
In my spare time I like to try new food recipes. I love to eat! Aside from that, my number one favorite thing to do is spend time with my daughter. Nothing is more satisfying than being a mom.