The 1st Helicopter Squadron along with firefighters from the 316th Civil Engineer Squadron held a live rescue and egress training on the flightline, Sept. 16, 2021.
“The main goal of this training is to give the firefighters realistic training on helicopter egress and crash rescue,” said Capt. Sabina Shaub, 1st Helicopter Squadron chief of safety.
The 1st Heli Squadron aircrew simulated an injured crew after their aircraft crashed on base. This gave the first responders an opportunity to treat various burns, lacerations and other injuries.
“They don’t get a lot of hands-on training with aircrew,” said Shaub. “So we want to provide that for them so if they do have an accident or a crash, they know what to do.”
The group went over important topics like egress procedures, emergency egress, emergency equipment and where fires and certain hazards can occur.
“This training is unique because they don't normally get this kind of realistic scenario due to availability or time constraints,” said Shaub. “We were finally able to prioritize it this time so we were able to have real survivors with fake injuries and actual aircrew to play out the scenario.”