Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for Joint Base Andrews-Naval Air Facility Washington, Maryland
The Air Force District of Washington and the 11th Wing announce the availability of and invite public comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact for the Construction and Operation of a Battalion Headquarters for the U.S. Army Priority Air Transport at Joint Base Andrews.
Under the Proposed Action, USAPAT would construct a small battalion headquarters facility to meet current battalion needs. No increase in the number of USAPAT personnel at JBA is anticipated, and no change in USAPAT operations is anticipated. The Draft EA shows that the Proposed Action would not significantly impact the environment and supports a FONSI.
Consequently, an Environmental Impact Statement is not needed.
Copies of the Draft EA and Draft FONSI are available for review until October 22, 2012, at the Upper Marlboro Branch Library of the Prince George's County Memorial Library System.
Copies are also available at the JBA Library at 1642 Brookley Ave. The Draft EA and Draft FONSI are available online at
Comments should be sent to Anne Hodges, 11th Civil Engineer Squadron, 3466 North Carolina Ave, Joint Base Andrews, Md. 20762-4803, no later than 30 days from the publication of this notice.