Accidents related to distracted driving have increased significantly across the Air Force over the past few years. In fact, studies show that driving while texting is just as dangerous as drinking and driving. Team Andrews is bucking this trend of driving while "intexticated" with a crackdown on distracted drivers.
Beginning Jan. 6, 2014, members of the 11th Security Forces Squadron will be actively enforcing a distracted driving policy on base that reinforces the new Maryland State Law effective October 2013 that bans texting or talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving.
According to Col. Erik Goepner, Commander, 11th Security Forces Group, "This policy applies to ALL personnel who operate a vehicle on this base." Additionally, non-service members will also be subject to fines in accordance with Maryland law.
If a person who is operating a vehicle on base is pulled over for distracted driving (using a cell phone without a hands free device, or texting while driving), the 11th SFS will issue a citation that will suspend base driving privileges. There will be a 30-day suspension of driving privileges for the first offense. A 90-day suspension will be issued for the second violation. In accordance with standard procedures, individuals may request a hearing to allow restricted driving privileges or remove the suspension.
"The safety of all those who live, work and visit Joint Base Andrews is paramount." said Col. Bill Knight, 11th Wing/Joint Base Andrews commander. "This policy is critical to on-base safety and is in step with other bases across the Air Force. Hopefully, it will not only significantly decrease the distracted driving incidents on this base, but also within the surrounding communities."