Effective May 1 2011, an additional shuttle bus route will be added to the current service provided. The new shuttle will provide passengers with service to the East side of Joint Base Andrews every 30 minutes.
The new bus route will be as follows:
Stop 1- Main Gate
Stop 2- William A. Jones III Building
Stop 3- Building 3252 & Building 3282 (Bainbridge Ave/113 th Wing Headquarters and Navy Operations)
Stop 4- Building 3500 (Air National Guard Readiness Center)
Stop 5- Building 3755 (459 Air Readiness Wing)
Stop 6- William A. Jones III Building
Return to Main Gate
The intent of this change is to provide transportation between duty sections to DOD military and civilian employees who work on the east side of the installation. Ridership will determine if this service is continued beyond a six month test period.
The West side shuttle will continue to operate; personnel are reminded that the shuttle will stop at the William A. Jones III Building after leaving the Main Gate. Please direct any questions or comments to the Vehicle Operations Control Center at 301-981-4661/5458 or DSN 858-4661/5458.