Community Engagement

Providing a host of specialized programs between the military and local community, our Community Engagement Section identifies and fosters opportunities with organizations across civic, business and governmental institutions, to increase public trust and enhance support for military operations in the defense of our Nation. These programs include base tours, Speaker's Bureau programs, and events such as air shows and career day events with local schools. The Community Engagement Section is also the focal point for complaints and environmental concerns.

For more information, call the 316th Wing Public Affairs Office at (240) 612-4428 or email us at 316WG.PA.COMMUNITYENGAGEMENT@US.AF.MIL



Speaker's Bureau

The Community Engagement section of the 316th Public Affairs Office is looking for Airmen who enjoy getting out in the community to share their Air Force stories. The Speaker's Bureau is now accepting requests for speakers from external public organizations.


Tour Information

Base tours are offered to local civic organizations, schools and youth groups to educate people about the U.S. Air Force and Joint Base Andrews' mission. Tour requests must be submitted no later than 60 days prior to the date of the tour.


Aerial Support Requests

To request Air Force Aerial Event Support, visit here.





Joint Base Andrews and our tenant units appreciate the enormous sacrifices made by our neighbors as we train for the defense of our country. Among those sacrifices is the occasional disruption of daily life by noise and flight operations.

The Air Force's primary job is national security. Joint Base Andrews is America's Airfield and our primary mission is to support and defend the National Capital Region. The units based at Joint Base Andrews train to immediately respond to our nation's call. Sometimes this training results in low-flying aircraft and noise.

Joint Base Andrews strives to be a good neighbor by maintaining good community and media relations with our surrounding communities. We diligently seek to provide timely, responsive, and factual answers to all public inquiries as they pertain to Joint Base Andrews.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while our Airmen strive to train and support our Department of Defense mission - know that your safety and our safety are paramount to our missions.

Access the 316th Wing Noise Complaints and Citizen Concerns form here.

Honorary Commanders

The Joint Base Andrews Honorary Commanders Program encourages an exchange of ideas and experiences, increases public awareness and understanding of the military as well as encourages friendships between key leaders of the base's surrounding communities, JBA commanders and Airmen.

Environmental Concerns

The Community Engagement section is the point of contact for Environmental concerns. Please e-mail us and visit the Environmental Mission page.