The Andrews Spouses’ Club, a non-profit organization, promotes outreach to military members and their families, as well as to organizations which benefit servicemembers.
The ASC encourages, supports, and maintains membership interaction within the club.
“We have between 15-30 members in the ASC as of right now; the COVID-19 pandemic knocked down our numbers as of recently,” said Susan Herbolsheimer, ASC Thrift Shop volunteer. “I hope to see more people join our club and continue the positive experiences we’ve had in the past.”
Additionally, the ASC provides opportunities for military spouses to engage in charitable fundraising that benefits the military community.
The club predominantly contributes their time to the installation’s Thrift Shop. The shop is manned by approximately 10 ASC volunteers per day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday each month to provide a wide array of second-hand goods.
All the funds are raised for different charities such as Semper Fi and America’s Fund, Dogs on Deployment, Air Force Enlisted Village Fund and Imagine Andrews Public Charter Schools.
“The Thrift Shop is under the ASC; they raise money for the military community through consignments and donations,” said Jamila Snider, ASC Thrift Shop manager. “The Thrift Shop thrives on these volunteers. We’re lucky to have such a good group of people.”
If interested in joining the ASC and participating in its volunteer opportunities, applications are available at the Thrift Shop on base. The ASC staff can also be reached at 301-735-3533.