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316 SFS: Firearms registration a must

ANDREWS AFB, Md. -- Many people die each year from firearms-related incidents. 

"Unfortunately, we are experiencing a potentially dangerous trend with regard to firearms safety on Andrews as well," said Senior Airman Lora B. White, 316th Security Forces Squadron Crime Prevention coordinator. 

Recently, security forces responded to domestic violence incidents and discovered unregistered firearms in on-base residences. The following are rules for transporting or storing firearms on base. 

When a person moves to Andrews, they must register their privately owned weapons and any associated ammunition at the security forces armory within 72 hours of arrival. They must also register any newly acquired weapons with the 316 SFS within 72 hours. 

"If you reside in Andrews housing, you may opt to store your weapon in the security forces armory or at your residence," said Airman White. 

"Before you move into family housing on Andrews or Summerfield, you are required to read over and acknowledge AAFB Pamphlet 32-1, Family Housing Brochure," said Patricia Dowe, 316th Civil Engineer Squadron housing office assistant. "Paragraph 4.6. of the pamphlet clearly states, persons residing in base housing must register weapons with security forces. Any violation of this condition may be cause for eviction from base housing. Dormitory residents and persons staying in any of the lodging facilities on Andrews must immediately bring their weapons to the security forces armory upon arrival for storage for the duration of their stay. Weapons of any kind are prohibited within these facilities." 

When registering firearms, temporarily or permanently, people must have a DD Form 2, Geneva Conventions Card, a copy of a Class III Federal Firearms License or approved Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Form 4, Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm. The armory attendant will provide an AF Form 1314, Firearms Registration. It must be submitted within 72 hours from the day the firearm is relinquished to the armory. 

"Whether you are a servicemember or a civilian, you cannot carry your privately owned weapons into any work center, unless specifically authorized for performing official duties," said Airman White. "If you are a military member, you are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Federal and State laws for civilians. Aside from firearms, it's unlawful for people to carry hunting knives, bows and arrows, air pistols and rifles or any other weapon from which a missile or projectile is ejected by a propellant or propulsion device. Carrying these weapons is only allowed when going to and from a sporting event which requires the use of such items. 

"If you do have your privately owned weapon stored at the security forces armory, we ask that you please refrain from attempting to sign it out during peak issue and turn-in periods for on-duty security forces personnel," said Airman White. "When you do sign the weapon out, you'll need to present your identification card and a copy of the AF Form 1314. You must not consume alcohol eight-hours prior to picking up your weapon. If the armory attendant detects an odor of an alcoholic beverage, they will not issue you your weapon. Your commander and first sergeant may also request the armory to restrict the issue of your weapon." 

When transporting weapons in a privately owned vehicle, owners may only transport them for lawful purposes to or from a place where they can be lawfully possessed and used (e.g., a commercial firing range). During transportation, the weapon or the ammunition cannot be accessible to the passenger compartment or within reach of the driver or passengers. The weapon and ammunition must also be in two different secure locations in the back of the vehicle. 

Any handgun purchased or brought into Maryland must have a firearm-locking device. An external safety lock is an external device that is attached to a handgun with a key or combination lock and is designed to prevent a handgun from being discharged unless the device has been deactivated. 

Also, anyone operating a motorcycle on Andrews is prohibited from transporting a weapon at any time, in accordance with the AAFB Instruction 31-101, The Installation Security Instruction. 
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