If your attitude is contagious, then what are people catching when they come into contact with you? Our outlook and approach to how we come across each day is totally within our control. So this week I want each of us to focus on what type of attitude we project each day.
We all need to be mindful about how the attitudes of others can affect us. Think about the person that seems to drain the energy out of the room whenever they show up. Now also think about the person who gives you an energy boost when they come around you. Both of these examples are tied to the attitudes of those particular individuals. So my question to you is, what is the response that people have when you show up?
If you are a leader, you cannot afford to be negative or pessimistic. You must be able to make the best of what you have, while advocating the improvement of your environment for the betterment of your people. That's what leaders do. Leaders don't have the luxury of wallowing in self pity or anguish; but conversely, they have the mandate to encourage and support those around them.
Some of my best experiences in the military have been in tight spots during deployments, yet the attitudes of my teammates made those times tremendously rewarding.
Recently, I went home to visit one of my dearest aunts. She has lost sight in both eyes, yet her attitude about life is one that I find incredibly encouraging.
The point I'm trying to make is that each of us has the ability to positively influence someone, regardless of what is going on. My challenge to you is to be the person that adds positive energy to the room and focus on those things that will appreciate life versus things that depreciate it. Now that you realize that your attitude is contagious, make sure people are catching the right attitude from you.