Riders 'revved up' for motorcycle safety day
July 18, 2011
Terry A. Yonkers, assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, environment and logistics, and Col. Ken Rizer, commander of the 11th Wing at Joint Base Andrews, Md., address motorcyclists at the JBA Motorcycle Safety Day July 15, 2011.  As a part of the Air Force's Year of Motorcycle Safety, the event was held for riders on JBA to increase their awareness of the need to ride safely.  (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Torey Griffith)

Andrews Library 'opens the drawbridge' for summer reading fun
June 23, 2011

An essential piece of the puzzle
June 15, 2011
Airman 1st Class Richard Rodriguez, 811th Operation Support Squadron aircrew flight equipment technician, stows a flight helmet in a pilot's locker after he inspected it for function and servicability.  AFE inspects and maintains other equipment as well, to include night-vision goggles, life preservers and survival kits. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Torey Griffith)(released)

Un-'CoRC' your volunteer ponential
June 9, 2011
Culture of Responsible Choices logo

Not your average finance briefing
June 6, 2011

One call might disconnect your driving privileges
June 6, 2011
Staff Sgt. Daniel Hadley, 11th Security Forces Squadron crime prevention NCO, simulates writing a ticket for Senior Airman Desantis C. Symonette, 11 SFS Visitor Control Center security clerk during a seatbelt and cell phone selective enforcement check May 26. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Bahja J Jones)

Getting Heavy at JSOH
May 22, 2011
Visitors at the 2011 Joint Service Open House seek shade under the massive shadow cast by a C-17 Globemaster III here May 21.  The JSOH affords the public an opportunity to meet the men and women of the Armed Forces and to see military equipment from the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard. The JSOH is planned and conducted through the efforts of active duty, guard and reserve servicemembers, as well as civilian employees, retirees and family members.(U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Torey Griffith)

Fathers and sons bond to the sound of jet propulsion at 2011 JSOH
May 21, 2011

Team Andrews members lose inches to gain miles
May 12, 2011

Andrews Thrift Shop hosts fashion show
May 12, 2011
Louann Robinson, a member of the Andrews Officer's Spouses Club, models the "simple black dress" from the Andrews Thrift Shop.  The AOSC runs the shop, and distributes the proceeds back to the base and local community. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Torey Griffith)
